X oder Y

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28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Dancer Foto Club Girls Athletics Popular Students

Beiträge: 307

Re: X oder Y

von Bridget am 26.12.2013 15:12

ganz klar blau!

lieber beziehung oder singledasein?

tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo3_250.gif  tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo6_250.gif
She`s a Rock n` Roll Sweetheart !
Well you can try to get away but boy I've got you here to stay. Cursed in love now you
become my prey. She`s a Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your heart right on the floor. In
It`s bloody state I got you wanting more! Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your kiss right
at the door. Though it's sweet as candy I got you wanting more!


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: X oder Y

von Mila. am 26.12.2013 15:34

Beziehung. ^^
Tumblr or Weheartit? 



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Dancer Foto Club Girls Athletics Popular Students

Beiträge: 307

Re: X oder Y

von Bridget am 26.12.2013 15:37


Kino oder Heimkino?

tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo3_250.gif  tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo6_250.gif
She`s a Rock n` Roll Sweetheart !
Well you can try to get away but boy I've got you here to stay. Cursed in love now you
become my prey. She`s a Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your heart right on the floor. In
It`s bloody state I got you wanting more! Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your kiss right
at the door. Though it's sweet as candy I got you wanting more!


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: X oder Y

von Mila. am 26.12.2013 16:09

Heimkino *-*'
Blair oder Serena? 



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Dancer Foto Club Girls Athletics Popular Students

Beiträge: 307

Re: X oder Y

von Bridget am 26.12.2013 16:13


Chuck oder Nate`?

tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo3_250.gif  tumblr_lpxdncTSi31r02c2fo6_250.gif
She`s a Rock n` Roll Sweetheart !
Well you can try to get away but boy I've got you here to stay. Cursed in love now you
become my prey. She`s a Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your heart right on the floor. In
It`s bloody state I got you wanting more! Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your kiss right
at the door. Though it's sweet as candy I got you wanting more!



29, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Beiträge: 3275

Re: X oder Y

von Sara am 28.12.2013 11:20

Chuck. Definitiv.

Nomales Buch oder E-Book? 

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: X oder Y

von Mason am 28.12.2013 16:57

Scheiß auf E-Books! normale Bücher!

süßes oder deftiges Essen?

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!



27, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores Art Club Sychronized Swim Team Vegan Club Brainiacs

Beiträge: 23

Re: X oder Y

von Barbara am 29.12.2013 20:07

Mh, süß

Subway oder Starbucks?^^

                     I've never seen a diamond in the flesh! I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
                                          and I'm not proud of my address ... In the torn up town, no post code envy! But every song's like:
                         Gold teeth! Grey Goose! Tripping in the bathroom! Bloodstains! Ball gowns! Trashing the hotel room!
                                                        We don't care, we're driving cadillacs in our dreams!



27, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Girls Athletics Left Behind Club

Beiträge: 914

Re: X oder Y

von Mandy am 02.01.2014 22:54

Ich dentiere zu Starbucks ^^
Delena oder Klaroline? 

tumblr_mkuhrs8NCR1qh6s1no4_r2_250.gif tumblr_mkuhrs8NCR1qh6s1no7_r1_250.gif



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Muckraker Popular Students Thunderclap

Beiträge: 2734

Re: X oder Y

von Lisa am 03.01.2014 02:04

Ich gucke das nicht, also kann ich es nicht sagen :> aber weil Phoebe und Klaus hier so süß sind sag ich : Klaroline

IPhone oder Android? 

          tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo5_r1_250.gif tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo8_r1_250.gif  tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo10_r1_250.gif

                                 We, we don't worry 'bout nothing! 'Cause we got the fire,
and we're burnig one hell of a something! 
                                  They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space!
                              Light it up!
 Like we're the stars of the human race, human race..


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