X oder Y

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28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Dancer The Skanks

Beiträge: 598

Re: X oder Y

von Gwen am 02.02.2014 11:36


Orchideen oder Rosen ???



27, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Dancer Girls Athletics Thunderclap Brainiacs

Beiträge: 97

Re: X oder Y

von Amelia am 03.02.2014 16:20

Rosen :)

Rock n`roll oder hip hop?

tumblr_m0myk4uUfR1qcxa02o4_250.gif  tumblr_m0myk4uUfR1qcxa02o1_250.gif  tumblr_m0myk4uUfR1qcxa02o2_250.gif
So now we've found our way to find each other!
When your soul finds the soul it was waiting for. When someone walks into your heart
through an open door. When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold. Don't let
go! Someone comes into your world. Suddenly your world has changed forever. No
there's no one else's eyes that could see into me. No one else's arms can lift. Lift me up
so high. Your love lifts me out of time. And you know my heart by heart!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer

Beiträge: 38

Re: X oder Y

von Roxanne am 06.02.2014 16:21

Hip Hop. ^^'

Sven oder Olaf? <: {Die Eiskönigen - Völlig unverfroren *-*'} 


http://25.media.tumblr.com/d13948a4c81cf4a5e651b5ee78cc3fdb/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o3_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/4e100cb174b0f9fb97ae6540ac217dfd/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o10_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/68ed47f190f54d75a879a0e1d87754b8/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o5_250.gif

You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tones, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Don't laugh at people's dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life.



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 06.02.2014 16:58

Olaf <3

Anna oder Elsa?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer

Beiträge: 38

Re: X oder Y

von Roxanne am 06.02.2014 17:06

Elsa. ♥'

Rebekah oder Hayley? 


http://25.media.tumblr.com/d13948a4c81cf4a5e651b5ee78cc3fdb/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o3_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/4e100cb174b0f9fb97ae6540ac217dfd/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o10_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/68ed47f190f54d75a879a0e1d87754b8/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o5_250.gif

You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tones, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Don't laugh at people's dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life.



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 06.02.2014 17:10

Rebekah <3

Stefan Salvatore oder Edward Cullen?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer

Beiträge: 38

Re: X oder Y

von Roxanne am 06.02.2014 17:15

Stefan! Eindeutig Stefan.  

Elena Gilbert oder Katherine Pierce? <:


http://25.media.tumblr.com/d13948a4c81cf4a5e651b5ee78cc3fdb/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o3_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/4e100cb174b0f9fb97ae6540ac217dfd/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o10_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/68ed47f190f54d75a879a0e1d87754b8/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o5_250.gif

You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tones, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Don't laugh at people's dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life.



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 06.02.2014 17:18

Eindeutig Katherine Pierce ;)

Tyler oder Klaus?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer

Beiträge: 38

Re: X oder Y

von Roxanne am 06.02.2014 17:21

{Yaay. ^^}

Hm, ok. Die Frag ist fies, sehr fies, aber ich denke Klaus. c: 
Obwohl Ty' ach toll ist ...

Nadia Petrova oder Amara?  


http://25.media.tumblr.com/d13948a4c81cf4a5e651b5ee78cc3fdb/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o3_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/4e100cb174b0f9fb97ae6540ac217dfd/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o10_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/68ed47f190f54d75a879a0e1d87754b8/tumblr_ml0gfkAKSU1ryfjs3o5_250.gif

You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tones, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Don't laugh at people's dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life.



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 06.02.2014 17:25

Ich sag mal Amara

Victorious oder iCarly?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!

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