Theater Halle

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28, Weiblich


Seniors Art Club The Skanks

Beiträge: 2664

Re: Theater Halle

von Quinn am 30.11.2013 19:56

Ich bemerkte Kittys Wut und schmunzelte darüber amüsiert. Als dann Clara aufgerufen wurde, applaudierte ich für sie. Sie hatte es verdient, fand ich.


"Why do you smoke so damn fast?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled widely, and such a wide smile on her narrow face might have looked goofy were it not for the unimpeachably elegant green in her eyes. She smile with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer Be Yourself

Beiträge: 711

Re: Theater Halle

von Sabrina am 30.11.2013 19:57

Alle: *klaschten*



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Foto Club Girls Athletics Sychronized Swim Team A/V Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 2521

Re: Theater Halle

von Clara am 30.11.2013 19:57

"OMG!" *mit Tränen in den Augen aufstehe und die Bühne betrete*
"Ich ... ich kann es kaum fassen." *ins Mikrofon sage und den Preis
entgegen nehme* "Nach meiner langen ..." *hust* "... Abwesenheit
hätte ich das nie erwartet. Ich danke euch allen - ohne euch würde
mir dieser Preis wohl nichts bedeuten. Danke." *leicht verbeuge und
wieder die Bühne mit klopfenden Herzen verlasse*

                             I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living ...
                      I dreamed that love would never die! I dreamed that God would be forgiving!
                                            Then I was young and unafraid. Dreams were made and used and wasted!
                             There was no ransom to be paid. No song unsung, no wine untasted!


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Theater Halle

von Benjamin am 30.11.2013 19:57

Ih klatschte erneut und lächelte etwas.



33, Männlich


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Beiträge: 1633

Re: Theater Halle

von Graham am 30.11.2013 19:57

[Rachel ]
Als Clara als Gewinner bekannt gegeben wird, mit freude applaudiere.
"Sie hat es verdient!", dachte ich mir und pfeifte als sie die Bühne betrat. 


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going



28, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Foto Club Brainiacs Skater Club

Beiträge: 1

Re: Theater Halle

von Oliver am 30.11.2013 20:00

Übrigens auch schon die ganze Zeit mit meiner Freundin Leah an der Seite hier rumsitze. Ich applaudierte Clara und legte dann einen Arm um Leah.


You deserve to go through your day and take in the good parts, breathe in the good air and appreciate the little things that too often go unnoticed. You should know that a strong flower growing in a city sidewalk, a child laughing and blowing bubbles, or strangers that smile at one another and mean it are all things worth loving, and which make your day a net positive. You deserve to live your life for the joys and not the frustrating slights that are out of your control?to be able to say that, because you held the door open for an older man with too many bags on his arms, your afternoon was good. Though the profound effect these tiny moments of happiness can have on all of us are often lost in the shuffle of life and its myriad injustices, you deserve to look at them and see them for the victories of compassion and simplicity that they are.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors New Directions Cheerio Dancer Girls Athletics Swimming Team

Beiträge: 2232

Re: Theater Halle

von Amber am 30.11.2013 20:00

(JAAAAA ICh muss hier meine rach playen *_*)

Rachel: -leise murmel- das habe ich ja wohl verdient.  




Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Theater Halle

von Glenn_Close am 30.11.2013 20:01

Die nächste Kategorie kündigt Graham an

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30.11.2013 20:04.


28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Muckraker Popular Students Thunderclap

Beiträge: 2734

Re: Theater Halle

von Lisa am 30.11.2013 20:01

Alle : Sahen auf die Bühne

          tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo5_r1_250.gif tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo8_r1_250.gif  tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo10_r1_250.gif

                                 We, we don't worry 'bout nothing! 'Cause we got the fire,
and we're burnig one hell of a something! 
                                  They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space!
                              Light it up!
 Like we're the stars of the human race, human race..




27, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Left Behind Club Popular Students Thunderclap Gewinner

Beiträge: 2177

Re: Theater Halle

von Kitty am 30.11.2013 20:01

Ich überreichte Clara den Preis und ging dann von der Bühne. Am liebsten würde ich sofort wieder aus dem Saal rennen, aber ich riss mich zusammen und setzte mich immernoch mürrisch neben Brina. Ich würdigte Quinn keinen Blick, und erst Recht nicht als ich aus dem Augenwinkel bemerkte wie sie mich ansah.

   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o1_250.gif   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o2_250.gif

Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.  
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. 
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on. 
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.

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