X oder Y

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29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 18.02.2014 21:00

( Oh nein Jules Leylapou macht sich sorgen!  )


Kitty oder Marley?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Cheerio Dancer Dungeons & Dragons The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Sewing Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 346

Re: X oder Y

von Blaine am 18.02.2014 21:02

( ach ihr beiden, ich überleb das. Schließlich bin ich grad ja auch am leben...hab zwar trotz schmerzmittel bauchweh aber egaaaal )


Cheerios oder New Directions ! 



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 18.02.2014 21:04

( Muss Krankenschwester Leyla etwa kommen? )

New Directioners! :)

Nerd oder Hippielook?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Cheerio Dancer Dungeons & Dragons The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Sewing Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 346

Re: X oder Y

von Blaine am 18.02.2014 21:06

(Bist du krankenschwester???? )

Hippieloock -i st mein look, wenn ich krank bin

Rose oder Lilie? 



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 18.02.2014 21:08

( das war ein Joke ! ne angehende Psychologin...immer noch )

Lilie...ich hasse Rosen

Hipster oder Hopper?:D

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Cheerio Dancer Dungeons & Dragons The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Sewing Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 346

Re: X oder Y

von Blaine am 18.02.2014 21:09

(Guuuut )


Herzfehler oder alzheimer?

(gott, mein herz pulsiert grad n bissi unregelmässig ma lwieder -.-) 



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 18.02.2014 21:14

( Ja das Thema hatten wir doch schon durch, love )


Leidenschaft oder Romantik?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Cheerio Dancer Dungeons & Dragons The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Sewing Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 346

Re: X oder Y

von Blaine am 18.02.2014 21:16

(Jaaap )


Hut oder Muetze! 



29, Männlich


Seniors Art Club Book Club Popular Students Swimming Team

Beiträge: 1330

Re: X oder Y

von Klaus am 18.02.2014 21:18

Mütze ;)

Öhm...Brille oder Kontaktlinsen?

tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao1_250.gif  tumblr_m25va0dYW81ql6ewao2_250.gif
You're so hypnotising. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch
magnetizing feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.They say be afraid you're not
like the others,futuristic lovers different DNA, they dont understand you. You're from a
whole another world, a different dimension. You open my eyes and im ready to go, lead
me into the light! Kiss me, k-k-kiss me infect me with your love, and fill me with your
poison! Take me, t-t-take me! Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction!



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Cheerio Dancer Dungeons & Dragons The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Sewing Club Gewinner

Beiträge: 346

Re: X oder Y

von Blaine am 18.02.2014 21:19

zz brille 

hope oder faith


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