X oder Y
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Re: X oder Y
von Amber am 15.08.2012 20:54sorry frage vergessen.
Ich bin Englisch-Freak. beides sehr gut
eindeutig? Buch! und Film!
Rizzoly & Isles oder Robin Hood?
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Re: X oder Y
von Blaine am 15.08.2012 21:11ich bin zublöd führ v.v
rizzoly&isles eindeutig *-*
HSM oder camp rock ?xD
Re: X oder Y
von Sara am 15.08.2012 21:12Hsm, ich hasse camp rock;)
Amerikanischer oder deutscher krimi?
Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.
Gelöschter Benutzer
Re: X oder Y
von Blaine am 15.08.2012 21:39ich hasse hsm xDD
ein ami muss es sein xDD
schere oder nagelpfeile xD
Re: X oder Y
von Sara am 15.08.2012 22:10Nagelpfeile, ein paar jungs aus meiner klasse meinen.ich hätte die schonmal dami bedroht
.ich hab die nur so gehaltenxD
Wahrheit oder pflichtxD?
Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.
Gelöschter Benutzer
Re: X oder Y
von Blaine am 15.08.2012 22:16nur so gehalten xDDwenn ich ne nagelpfeile gehabt hätte hätten se mich zusamm geschlagen und schwuchtel betitelt xD
geheimnise oder offener mensch
Re: X oder Y
von Sara am 15.08.2012 22:26, aber ich bin ja nen mädchen;) und mag.mänlich gleeks;) in meiner klasse gabs einen, der hasst jetzt aber glee:((
Ich bin ein ZU offener MenschxD
sngle oder vergeben?
Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.
Gelöschter Benutzer
Re: X oder Y
von Blaine am 15.08.2012 22:31ich hatte keine weiblichen gleeks in meiner klasse v.v
vergeben ^^
Re: X oder Y
von Sara am 15.08.2012 22:57Und die frage?xD
Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.
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