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28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Pausenhalle

von Destiny am 15.12.2013 01:25

Ich hätte auch angst vor mir denke ich

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Basketball Team Ice Hockey Team The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Skater Club

Beiträge: 615

Re: Pausenhalle

von Jamie am 15.12.2013 01:27

*ich lachte* " einsicht ist der erste Weg zur Besserung!" *ich zwinkerte ihr zu* "Und worüber grübelst du jetzt?" *ich sah sie fragend an*

tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o3_250.gif  tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o4_250.gif
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry.The good
and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. 'Cause
everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't
you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime
we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my
heart beat so...I can't let you go. Want you in my life.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Pausenhalle

von Destiny am 15.12.2013 01:28

Na wie ich anstelle ein Stalker zu sein aber kein stalker zu sein

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Basketball Team Ice Hockey Team The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Skater Club

Beiträge: 615

Re: Pausenhalle

von Jamie am 15.12.2013 01:30

*Ich lachte* "Okay ich möchte jetzt lieber nicht wissen, was du in deinem düsteren gehirn so planst!" *ich grinste* " Du hättest bestimmt Talent zum Serienkiller dasein!" *neckte ich sie*

tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o3_250.gif  tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o4_250.gif
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry.The good
and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. 'Cause
everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't
you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime
we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my
heart beat so...I can't let you go. Want you in my life.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Pausenhalle

von Destiny am 15.12.2013 01:31

Klar doch!
Ich erlene das gerade eben
Meine ganze Familie besteht aus Killern! 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Basketball Team Ice Hockey Team The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Skater Club

Beiträge: 615

Re: Pausenhalle

von Jamie am 15.12.2013 01:35

*ich lachte* "Dachte ich es mir doch!" *ich grinste* "Hey aber wenn bestehe ich auf Serienkiller, die es Hyperintelligent angehen, so wie "Hannibal Lecter" oder "Jigsaw" !" *ich kicherte*

tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o3_250.gif  tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o4_250.gif
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry.The good
and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. 'Cause
everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't
you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime
we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my
heart beat so...I can't let you go. Want you in my life.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Pausenhalle

von Destiny am 15.12.2013 01:36

Wir habrn alle von hannibal gelernt,sei unbesorgt

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Basketball Team Ice Hockey Team The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Skater Club

Beiträge: 615

Re: Pausenhalle

von Jamie am 15.12.2013 01:40

*Nun guckte ich gespielt geschockt* "Du wirst doch nicht gleich anfangen mich anzuknabbern oder gar zu essen, oder?" *Ich lachte*

tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o3_250.gif  tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o4_250.gif
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry.The good
and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. 'Cause
everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't
you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime
we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my
heart beat so...I can't let you go. Want you in my life.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Pausenhalle

von Destiny am 15.12.2013 01:41

Ne das nicht 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Basketball Team Ice Hockey Team The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Skater Club

Beiträge: 615

Re: Pausenhalle

von Jamie am 15.12.2013 01:43

*ich lachte und strich dabei über meinen Körper* " Gut, denn ich würde gerne noch eine Weile am leben bleiben und mit dir Blödsinn anstellen und Faxen machen!" *ich grinste*

tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o3_250.gif  tumblr_m7y8hh6att1r02hd1o4_250.gif
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry.The good
and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. 'Cause
everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly. Can't
you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime
we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my
heart beat so...I can't let you go. Want you in my life.

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