Gänge des Erdgeschosses
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Gelöschter Benutzer
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Sophia am 25.03.2013 00:20Aber ich bin nicht diejenige, die hier rumsteht und
sich beschwert. *Chace ernst ansehe* Außerdem
bemühe ich mich um ein Stipendium bei Harvard ...
was um ehrlich zu sein wirklich schwierig ist, wenn
man in einem Kaff, wie Lima, lebt. *aufatme* Vielleicht
solltest du deine Einstellung überdenken, anstatt
dich wie ein trotziges Baby zu benehmen. *umdreh
und davongehe* [Sorry, der W-Lan-Empfang hat
komplett ausgesetzt, aber JETZT geht er wieder xD
Hoffe wir können nochmal ordentlich playen^^]
Gelöschter Benutzer
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Chace am 25.03.2013 16:26//iwie hat se recht ..//
*mich aufrappel spind schließ und geh*
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Jake am 05.11.2013 21:17*hierherkomm*
*mich an einen Spindt lehne*
There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 06:29*schlendert durch den Gang*
*in Gedanken versunken ist*
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Jake am 06.11.2013 13:46*Ryder sehe*
Hey Kumpel!
*ihm die Hand zum Handschlag hinhalte*
There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 13:47*wird aus den Gedanken gerissen*
*grinst uns macht diesen Handschlag^^*
Na wie gehts?
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Jake am 06.11.2013 14:01*lache*
Gut, und dir, Bro?
There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 14:15Bestens, bestens
Und gibts was neues?
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Jake am 06.11.2013 20:19*lachen muss*
Was soll es denn schon geben?
Und bei dir?
There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one
Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses
von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 20:34Naja keine Ahnung,bei dir gibt es sonst doch immer was
Naja ich hab jemand kennengelernt und. ..ich denke ich mag sie,auch wenn ich sie erst seit kurzem kenne
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder