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29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Posts: 3275

Re: Sporthalle

from Sara on 03/21/2013 05:26 PM

*eine Augenbraue hochziehe als Tiana das sagt, aber kurz lächel* 'Nicht schlimm...auch erstmal Hey. ' *die Kniebeugen fertig habe und mit den Liegestützen beginne*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



27, female


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Girls Athletics Left Behind Club

Posts: 914

Re: Sporthalle

from Mandy on 03/21/2013 05:28 PM

Nicht Schlimm. *mich etwas wundere* *dann auch mit den Liegestürtzen anfange*

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Deleted user

Re: Sporthalle

from Brittany on 03/21/2013 05:30 PM

*auch mit den Kniebeugen fertig bin* *liegestürtzen mache*
*mich auf Einhörner konzentiere damit es mir leichter fällt xD*


Deleted user

Re: Sporthalle

from Lucy on 03/21/2013 05:33 PM

*ja dann irgendwann auch mal mit dem laufen und den sit ups  fertig bin*
*richte kurz meinen zopf und sehe zu den anderen*
*beginne dann auch mal mit den kniebeugen etc.^^* 



27, female


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Girls Athletics Left Behind Club

Posts: 914

Re: Sporthalle

from Mandy on 03/21/2013 05:40 PM

*als ich dann mit den Liegestürtzen fertig bin Hampelmänner mache* *die ziemlich schnell fertig habe und dann stehen bleibe*

*mit Santana Hampelmänner mache Und danach wir uns zu Mandy stellen* 

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29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Posts: 3275

Re: Sporthalle

from Sara on 03/21/2013 05:42 PM

*schon recht lange fertig bin* *bei Mandy stehe*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



28, female


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Girls Athletics Stay Classy

Posts: 2021

Re: Sporthalle

from Tiana on 03/21/2013 05:42 PM

*das ganze Zeug, was wir machen sollen, mache* *anfange etwas zu schwitzen, da Sue uns wirklich ganz schön hart dran nimmt xDDDDD*

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27, female


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Girls Athletics Left Behind Club

Posts: 914

Re: Sporthalle

from Mandy on 03/21/2013 05:44 PM

*sara ansehe*
 Hey *Tiana ansehe*
//Die wirkt etwas genervt// 

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Deleted user

Re: Sporthalle

from Sue on 03/21/2013 05:47 PM

*warte bis alle fertig sind*
"Okay Cheerios. Ich habe mit Tiana etwas eingeübt. Sie wird es euch jetzt beibringen. Danach seid ihr freigelassen. Das nächste Trainig wird mir das dann vorgeführt. Ich will Perfektion.!"
*rufe und dann Tiana das Wort überlasse und gehe*



27, female


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Girls Athletics Left Behind Club

Posts: 914

Re: Sporthalle

from Mandy on 03/21/2013 05:48 PM

*gut zuhöre* *zu Tiana schaue* 

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