Low Shoulder

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33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Low Shoulder

from Sunshine on 05/29/2012 03:13 PM

*ohne zu wissen wer jess ist einfach seine hand greif und nicht mehr loslasse*
*total panik bekomme *


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going



28, female


Seniors Art Club The Skanks

Posts: 2664

Re: Low Shoulder

from Quinn on 05/29/2012 04:05 PM

Sunny, ich glaub... *hust* *röchel* *kaum luft bekomm*
*ohnmächtig werd^^*


"Why do you smoke so damn fast?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled widely, and such a wide smile on her narrow face might have looked goofy were it not for the unimpeachably elegant green in her eyes. She smile with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."



33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Low Shoulder

from Sunshine on 05/29/2012 04:18 PM

*von Jess raus gezerrt werd*
*rumschrei* NEIIN!! *versucht sich vom Jess griff loszureißen*
QUIIN!! quinn..
*tränen in den Augen bekomme*
 *ist völlig dreckig-schwarz im gesicht (vom rauch^^)*
 *versucht Quinn anzupacken und weg zu schleifen*
wir schaffen das. keine sorge quinn.. ich hole uns beide hier raus
*völlig verzweifelt versuch quinn raus zu schleifen in den wissen dass sie es nicht schaffen wird*
*träne vergieß*
*dann doch quinn auf dem boden ableg und sich hinknie*
es tut mir leid Quinn.. *heul*
es ist alles meine schuld
*vom rauch umfangen werd und sich zu quinn hinleg*
*macht die augen zu und hofft dass sie in einen besseren ort abseits unserer welt aufwacht*


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going

Reply Edited on 05/29/2012 04:27 PM.

Deleted user

Re: Low Shoulder

from Jess on 05/29/2012 04:25 PM

//OMG! Die haben ja nen Vollknall!// *Die beiden über meine Schulter werfe und in mein Auto setze und mit ihnen ins Krankenhaus fahre*

---->>>> Krankenhaus!



28, female


Seniors Art Club The Skanks

Posts: 2664

Re: Low Shoulder

from Quinn on 05/29/2012 04:26 PM

(omg ich heul gleich )

*weiterhin ohnmächtig^^*


"Why do you smoke so damn fast?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled widely, and such a wide smile on her narrow face might have looked goofy were it not for the unimpeachably elegant green in her eyes. She smile with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."


Deleted user

Re: Low Shoulder

from Calleigh on 07/02/2012 04:24 PM

*zur Bar geh*
Hallo, ein Pina Colada bitte
*Drink entgegen nehm*
*ausgetrunken hab*

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