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Re: Footballfeld

from Lucy on 09/05/2012 06:49 PM

*auch immernoch hier stehe*
*sehe was Sara macht*
*zu Sara sehe und leicht grinse*
*dann meine Tasche holen will*



28, female


Seniors Art Club The Skanks

Posts: 2664

Re: Footballfeld

from Quinn on 09/05/2012 06:53 PM

*Lucy entdecke und kurz zu ihr gehe*
Weißt du was mit Coach Sylvester los ist?
Oder sind es nur die Babyhormone? *spöttisch lach*


"Why do you smoke so damn fast?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled widely, and such a wide smile on her narrow face might have looked goofy were it not for the unimpeachably elegant green in her eyes. She smile with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."


Deleted user

Re: Footballfeld

from Miley on 09/05/2012 06:58 PM

*komme und trainiere ein bisschen*


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Re: Footballfeld

from Lucy on 09/05/2012 06:59 PM

*Quinn sehe*
Keine Ahnung..aber
ich tippe auch mal auf die Babyhormone..  *leicht lach*



29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Posts: 3275

Re: Footballfeld

from Sara on 09/05/2012 07:00 PM

*immernoch da stehe*
*mir miley leid tut*
*quinn anguck*
Hey Q
*leicht lächel*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.


Deleted user

Re: Footballfeld

from Sue on 09/05/2012 07:02 PM

MILEY! *sie genervt ruf*
willst du jez ein Cheerio werden oder nicht?


Deleted user

Re: Footballfeld

from Miley on 09/05/2012 07:03 PM

*sehe coach sue geh zu ihr und zeige alles was ich kann eine perfekte perfomance*
*und dann  ein dreifachensalto und ein hurky*

Reply Edited on 09/05/2012 07:04 PM.


28, female


Seniors Art Club The Skanks

Posts: 2664

Re: Footballfeld

from Quinn on 09/05/2012 07:04 PM

*auch lach* //Huch, zuerst dachte ich sie wär Selena... Peinlich //
*weiterhin Sue beobachte und nicht glauben kann was sie da tut*
*Sara ansehe* Oh, hallo. *sie nicht weiter beachte*


"Why do you smoke so damn fast?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled widely, and such a wide smile on her narrow face might have looked goofy were it not for the unimpeachably elegant green in her eyes. She smile with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."

Reply Edited on 09/05/2012 07:04 PM.

Deleted user

Re: Footballfeld

from Miley on 09/05/2012 07:07 PM

*dann nach 5 minuten performence zu sue geh und frag*
und? wie war ich?
*noch nichtmal eine schweissperle im gesicht*

Reply Edited on 09/05/2012 07:07 PM.

Deleted user

Re: Footballfeld

from Sue on 09/05/2012 07:07 PM

*etwas genervt bin*
In einem Monat mach ich eine Audition!
Ich werde fünf leute anehmen!
Also, wenn du reinwillst, kommst du am 05.10 in die Turnhalle!
*seufz und sie anguck*
und jez verschwind!
*mich umdreh und mich auf die tribühne setz*
*seufz und mich etwas zurück lehn*
Amber? Wo ist sie wenn man sie braucht? *murmel*

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