Gänge des Erdgeschosses

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27, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Basketball Team Left Behind Club Popular Students Gewinner

Beiträge: 164

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Jake am 06.11.2013 21:26

Naja, dies und das ist schon, aber nichts wichtiges.

Wenn sie keine Nackenstütze hat, hast du meine vollste Unterstützung.
Wie heißt sie?


There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one



28, Männlich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Popular Students Titan Gewinner

Beiträge: 2064

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 21:27

Nein sie hat keine Nackenstütze...
*lacht etwas*
Merissa,sie ist neu hier

tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io8_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io1_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io7_250.gif
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder



27, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Basketball Team Left Behind Club Popular Students Gewinner

Beiträge: 164

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Jake am 06.11.2013 21:29

*grinse, weil Ry lacht*
Okay, und hast du sie schon zu einem Date eingeladen? Oder mit ihr irgendetwas unternommen?
*ihn fragend ansehe* 


There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one



28, Männlich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Popular Students Titan Gewinner

Beiträge: 2064

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 21:33

Ja also wir waren im Kino und haben Basketball gespielt und danach war ich noch bei ihr und wir haben geredet

tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io8_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io1_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io7_250.gif
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder



27, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Basketball Team Left Behind Club Popular Students Gewinner

Beiträge: 164

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Jake am 06.11.2013 21:39

Klingt ja schon ganz gut.
Denkst du sie mag dich, Bro? 


There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one



28, Männlich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Popular Students Titan Gewinner

Beiträge: 2064

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 21:41

Also dem Anschein nach ja..ich denke zumindest schon

tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io8_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io1_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io7_250.gif
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder



27, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Basketball Team Left Behind Club Popular Students Gewinner

Beiträge: 164

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Jake am 06.11.2013 21:44

Naja, vielleicht wird ja was aus euch zwei 
Und was geht sonst bei dir so ab? 


There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one



28, Männlich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Popular Students Titan Gewinner

Beiträge: 2064

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 21:49

Schön wärs^^
Nicht nicht...echt absolut nada

tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io8_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io1_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io7_250.gif
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder



27, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Basketball Team Left Behind Club Popular Students Gewinner

Beiträge: 164

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Jake am 06.11.2013 21:53

Geht mir genauso. 
Was soll man machen.
*mir mit der Hand durch die Haare fahre* 


There isn't much I haven't shared. With you along the road. And through it all there'd always be.Tomorrow's episode.Suddenly that isn't true. There's another avenue. Beckoning the great divide. Ask no questions, take no side.Who's to say who's right or wrong. Whose course is braver run. Still we are, have always been. Will ever be as one



28, Männlich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Popular Students Titan Gewinner

Beiträge: 2064

Re: Gänge des Erdgeschosses

von Ryder_Lynn am 06.11.2013 21:57

Tja so ist es eben
*steckt seine Hämde in die Hosentaschen*
Und du? Hast du ein neues Mädel oder so?

tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io8_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io1_250.gif tumblr_mmyi9hR32d1spp49io7_250.gif
Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally-Ryder

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