Der verspiegelte Raum
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Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Kitty am 06.10.2013 17:55Ich ging den Flur entlang, blieb aber stehen als ich Musik hörte. Ich stellte mich in den Türrahmen, und beobachtete Mandy beim Tanzen.
Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on.
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Mandy am 06.10.2013 18:00Ich performte den Song zu Ende und sah mich dann um und entdeckte Kitty. "Hey", meinte ich. Wie lange stand sie denn schon da? Ich musterte sie und merkte das sie ziemlich viel abgenommen hat. Dies hatte sie doch gar nicht nötig. Ihr dünner Körper machte mich leicht depri, da ich bald fett werden würde. Meine Depri Laune ließ ich mir allerdings nicht anmerken.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Kitty am 06.10.2013 18:08Ich merkte, wie sie mich musterte, was mich unsicher machte. Schnell schob ich meinen Ordner etwas weiter nach unten, damit er meinen Bauch verdeckte. "Hei." Ich grinste etwas. "Für wen war der Song? Du hast dich... wütend angehört. Ich betrart nun dem Raum und lehnte mich a n eine Balettstange.
Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on.
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Mandy am 06.10.2013 18:15Ich merkte das ich mit den mustern unsicher machte und wunderte mich als sie den Ordner runterschob so dass der Ordner ihren Bauch verdeckte. Als sie fragte was für ein Song das war antwortete ich darauf: "Der Song heißt Fix a Heart und wurde von Demi gesungen. Naja dieser Song hatte mich an meinen Ex erinnert, der mich ge..", ich war kurz davor mich zu verplappern und korriegerte mich schnell, "der mich alleine gelassen hat ohne mir was zu sagen..."
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Kitty am 06.10.2013 18:27Ich legte meine Ordner auf eine Bank, und schwang mein Bein hoch auf eine der Stangen. "Ge...? Geleingelassen hat?" Ich runzelte die Stirn, und wurde misstrauisch. "Was wolltest du vorher sagen?" Ich fing an mein Bein zu dehnen.
Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on.
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Mandy am 06.10.2013 18:32Als sie misstrauisch wurde seuftze ich und meinte: "Du darfst es keinen erzählen, ja?" Ich würde ja ab den 3 Monat Pause von den Cheerios machen. "Ich werde bald eine Pause von den Cheerios machen, weil ich...", ich senkte mein Blick während des sprechens. "Weil ich schwanger bin. Kyle hat mich geschwängert und ist dann einfach abgehauen", sagte ich und schaute dann Kitty an.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Kitty am 06.10.2013 18:37Ich nickte etwas, und dehnte nun mein anderes Bein. "Eine Pause? Warum?", fragte ich, aber die Frage beantwortete sie schon. Mir klappte zuerst der Kiefer runter, und dann nahm ich mein Bein von der Stange. "Oh mein Gott Mandy." Ich ging auf sie zu und legte meine Arme um sie. "Das... tut mir leid.", stotterte ich.
Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on.
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Mandy am 06.10.2013 18:45Ich sah Kitty an und merkte das sie wohl wirklich Mitleid hat. Dann meinte ich: "Schon gut, noch sieht man das Baby ja nicht." Darüber ziemlich froh war da ich noch etwas bei den Cheerios bleiben wollte. "Ich bin noch am überlegen ob ich das Kind behalte oder zur Adoption frei gebe...", meinte ich. 'Ich und ein Kind? Das würde ich niemals alleine schaffen', dachte ich. Dann erinnerte ich mich daran das Lisa meinte das sie mich unterstürtzen würde.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Kitty am 06.10.2013 18:49"Behalte es. Bitte.", flehte ich und löste mich aus der Umarmung. "Solange du noch nicht fett bist, hast du ja noch viele Freunde, die noch auf dein Kind aufpassen könnten.", schlug ich vor. "Oh gott, bald wird dein Bauch so riesig sein, dass er fast platzt.", rutschte es mir heraus.
Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on.
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.
Re: Der verspiegelte Raum
von Mandy am 06.10.2013 18:56{Sehr sensibel }
Ich nickte und dachte daran das Nina, Jess und Amber es auch geschafft haben ihre Kinder zu erziehen. 'Wieso sollte ich es dann nicht auch schaffen?', dachte ich. Ich musste lachen als Kitty meint das mein Bauch so riesig sein wird das er fast platzt. "Ja da hast du wohl Recht", meint ich.