Shopping Mall von Lima

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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kaya am 24.02.2014 22:17

* grinse breit *
Jap ma klar.
* zieht ihn mit rein und bleibt vor ihm stehen*
Nicht weg laufen.
* grinse und sehe kurt an*
Also? Hast du schon wss für mich?  



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kurt am 24.02.2014 22:19

"Genug,du hast erstmal zu tun."
*hält ihr den Stabel hin*
"Du wirst umwerfend aussehen." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kaya am 24.02.2014 22:21

* schaut alles an*
Na ich bin gespannt.
* grinse frech *
* geht mit den beiden zu den Umkleidekabinen*
Ihr müsst mich beraten 



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Rugby Team Vegan Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 94

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Jackson am 24.02.2014 22:21

*steck die hände in die hosentaschen*
*mustere kurz kurz*
*sieht zu kaya*
keine sorge ich bleibe 



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kurt am 24.02.2014 22:23

"Ich berate Rachel Berry."
"Also werde ich das wohl bei dir auch hinbekommen."
*sieht kurz zu Jackson*
*setzt sich auf einen Hocker*
*überschlägt die Beine*
"Ich bin gespannt.2 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kaya am 24.02.2014 22:26

* sieht Jackson an*
* lächle und sieht zu kurt*
* muss grinsen *
* verschwindet in der Umkleidekabine und kommt in dem ersten outfit raus*
*setzt noch den hut aif*
Und? Was meint ihr? 



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kurt am 24.02.2014 22:28

*mustert sie kritisch*
"Steht dir sehr gut muss ich sagen."
*geht dann um sie rum*
"Obwohl du mehr Farbe tragen könntest." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kaya am 24.02.2014 22:33

* nickt grinsend *
Na gut.
* setzt ihm den Hut auf*
Okay dann das nächste.
* verschwindet wieder und kommt in dem nächsten raus* 



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors Rugby Team Vegan Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 94

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Jackson am 24.02.2014 22:33

*kratze mich am kopf*
also...ich hab keine ahnung von frauensachen
*setze mich*
//nackt fände ichs besser...//
*sehe zu kurz*
//schwuler gehts kaum oder..?// 



30, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Shopping Mall von Lima

von Kurt am 24.02.2014 22:34

*richtet sich den Hut*
"Der steht mir auch."
*sieht sie dann an*
"Gefällt mir eindeutig besser."

(ich bin erstmal off,bis morgen.^^) 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.

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