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29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 03.04.2014 21:28

*Ich musste grinsen.*
"Ach komm,mein schwuler Freund waerst du nicht gerne,du haettest es lieber,wenn ich hetero waere."
*Ich laechelte sie an* 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 02.04.2014 21:59

"Ich bin auch immer für dich da."
*ich lachelt sie an*
"Wiir sind echt perfekt füreinander." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 02.04.2014 16:30

"Dann habe ich ja eine super beste Freundin."
*ich laechelte*
"Ich lasse mich eh nicht mehr fertig machen."
*Ich ass dann mein Kuchenstueck* 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 02.04.2014 15:50

"Kann ich verstehen."
*sieht sie an*
"Ich lasse mich auch nicht gerne tyranniieren."
*Ich machte mir dann ein Stueck von ihrem Kuchen ab und kiostete*
"Deiner schmeckt aber auch." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 01.04.2014 17:05

"Gut das kenne ich.Vor allem Santana und Quinn waren perfekt darin.Jetzt geht es eigentlich."
*ich laechelte*
"Klar kannst du probieren."
*Ich schob ihr meinen Teller hin* 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 30.03.2014 21:15

"Ist es auch,mehr als das.""
*Ich laechelte*
"Du waerst sicher ein super Cheerleader,aber wenn du nicht willst.Rachel ist auch keiner."
*Ich musste lachen*
"Meiner ist auch nicht schlecht." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 30.03.2014 18:22

"Ich trage sie ganz gerne,Mrcedes und ich krempeln die ein bisschen um,wir tanzen zwischen durch mal was anderes.Das ist lustiger."
*Ich sah sie an*
"Was hast du gegen die Cheerleader?"
*Ich fragte eher belustigend jnd aß ein Stück von meinem Kuchen." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 30.03.2014 16:58

"Ich finde  beide Farbe schoen,die Entscheidung koennen wir ja dann da treffen.Was dir dann am besten steht.Ich wuerde dir ja meine CheerleaderpUniform geben,aber leider besteht meine aus T-shirt und Hose und Mercedes ihre ist dich sicher zu gross."
*Ich laechelte sie an*
"Ich glaube daran liegt es.Aber das klappt bei mir auch.Alsdo das mit dem Selbstbewusstsein." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 30.03.2014 16:13

"Dann kaufe wir dir ein sexy Outfit und dann kannst du ihm sagen was du willst.Darauf fallen Jungs immer rein."
*Ich laechelte.*
"Wenn ein Maedchen gut aussieht kann es immer sagen was es will.Ist mir schon oefters bei den Ceerleadern aufgefallen." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.



29, Männlich


McKinley High Seniors New Directions Cheerio

Beiträge: 123

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Kurt am 30.03.2014 13:49

"Das wird mehr als lustig."
*Ich grinste sie an.*
"Nicht so direkt aber so aehnlich.Das ist bestimmt super suess." 

A chair is still a chair Even when there's no one sitting there But a chair is not a house And a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight, And no one there you can kiss good night. A room is still a room Even when there's nothing there but gloom; But a room is not a house, And a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us has a broken heart. Now and then I call your name And suddenly your face appears But it's just a crazy game When it ends it ends in tears. Darling, have a heart, Don't let one mistake keep us apart. I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home. When I climb the stair and turn the key, Oh, please be there still in love with me.

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