Das Schülercafe

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29, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Beiträge: 3275

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Sara am 14.04.2013 15:02

*lache* "Ja...ich komm' dich besuchen." *grinse*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Muckraker Popular Students Thunderclap

Beiträge: 2734

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Lisa am 14.04.2013 15:05

"Du sollst aber hierbleiben" *an meinen Latte nippe*

          tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo5_r1_250.gif tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo8_r1_250.gif  tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo10_r1_250.gif

                                 We, we don't worry 'bout nothing! 'Cause we got the fire,
and we're burnig one hell of a something! 
                                  They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space!
                              Light it up!
 Like we're the stars of the human race, human race..




29, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Beiträge: 3275

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Sara am 14.04.2013 15:35

"Ich hatte eigentlich nicht vor durchzufallen..." *ebenfalls an meinem Cappuchino nippe*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Muckraker Popular Students Thunderclap

Beiträge: 2734

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Lisa am 14.04.2013 15:48

"Schade" *schmoll*

          tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo5_r1_250.gif tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo8_r1_250.gif  tumblr_my9ryu8TGP1qapotyo10_r1_250.gif

                                 We, we don't worry 'bout nothing! 'Cause we got the fire,
and we're burnig one hell of a something! 
                                  They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space!
                              Light it up!
 Like we're the stars of the human race, human race..




29, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones The Bully Whips Cheerio Muckraker Thunderclap

Beiträge: 3275

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Sara am 14.04.2013 19:18

"Wär schon doof wenn man, nur um ein Jahr länger in der Schule bleiben zu 'dürfen' extra die wichtigsten Prüfungen der gesamten Schulzeit ausfallen lassen würde." *grinse*

Now you told me on a Sunday that it wasn't gonna work. I tried to cry myself to sleep 'cause it was supposed to
hurt. We sat next to the fire as the flame was burning out. I knew what you were thinkin' before you'd say it aloud.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm not even breaking. You're not worth the time that this is taking. I knew better than
to let you break my heart. This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars. You still love her, I can see it in
your eyes. The truth is all that I can hear every time you lie.



28, Weiblich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Cheerio

Beiträge: 804

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Juliet am 03.05.2013 20:29

*mir einen Chai Latte bestell und bezahl*
*mich auf einen Hocker setze*
*in der Luft herumschau und nachdenk*


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Felix am 03.05.2013 20:31

*nach einem anstrengenden Tag dringend ne Cola brauch*
*gerade mit der Cola wieder gehen will als ich Juliet sehe*
*zu ihr gehe und mich auf einen Stuh fallen lasse*
Hallo Schwesterlein na alles klar?



28, Weiblich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Cheerio

Beiträge: 804

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Juliet am 03.05.2013 20:33

*mich zuerst Schrecke*
Oh hey, Bruderherz.
*mich an ihn lehne*
Bei dir auch alles paletti?


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Felix am 03.05.2013 20:46

Alles bestens
Nur der Unterricht müsste nicht sein und bei dir?



28, Weiblich

  Kitty Cat

McKinley High Juniors Secret Symphony Cheerio

Beiträge: 804

Re: Das Schülercafe

von Juliet am 03.05.2013 20:48

Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung.
Wir haben schon lang nichts mehr gemeinsam gemacht...
*von meinem Chai Latte winen Schluck trinke und Felix beobachte*

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