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28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Footballfeld

von Destiny am 28.12.2013 17:50

*sehr viel spaß gehabt hat*
*singen ihr allgemein Spaß bereitet*
*ihm dann in die Augen sieht*
*eig. Nicht ganz glaubt das sie das wirklich mit ihm gesungen hat und grad ganz perplex dasteht* 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: Footballfeld

von Mason am 28.12.2013 17:53

*Sie stand da und sah völlig perplex aus. Die art, wie sie mir in die Augen sah, war wunderschön und ich merkte, wie mir ganz warm ums Herz wurde. Ich hielt noch immer ihre Hand fest in meiner und erwiederte den knisternden Blicke Austausch mit einem Lächeln*

( Hihi )

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Footballfeld

von Destiny am 28.12.2013 17:56

*fährt sich durch die Haare*
Ehm...uff...ich sollte eventuell jetzt gehen...
*sich halb umdreht*
*ihr das im nachhinein peinlich ist* 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: Footballfeld

von Mason am 28.12.2013 17:58

*ich sah wie sie sich durch die haare fuhr und sich zum gehen wendete* "Nein, wieso willst du schon gehen?" *fragte ich sie ein wenig traurig*

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Footballfeld

von Destiny am 28.12.2013 18:00

*es selbst nicht so ganz weiß*
*sieht auf den Boden* 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: Footballfeld

von Mason am 28.12.2013 18:02

*ich sah sie an und wartete auf eine Antwort* "Weil?" *harkte ich nach und lächelte sie süß an. Ich sah, das sie auf den Boden schaute und fragte mich, was in diesem hübschen Kopf vor sich ging*

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Footballfeld

von Destiny am 28.12.2013 18:06

Naja ...einfach so halt
*schmunzelt *
*ihren Blick weiterhin auf den Boden gerichtet hat* 

tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: Footballfeld

von Mason am 28.12.2013 18:07

"Was denkst du gerade?" *fragte ich sie ganz offen* "Und warum kannst du mich nicht ansehen?" *sie verwirrt ansehe.*
( Dramaqueen! )

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!



28, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Dancer Drama Club Foto Club Girls Athletics Gewinner

Beiträge: 1129

Re: Footballfeld

von Destiny am 28.12.2013 18:14

Weil mir das gerade total peinlich ist...deswegen und das denke ich 
*seufzt leise*


tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo6_250.gif tumblr_mxwz2wgZOQ1qeqhpwo7_250.gif

tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so7_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so2_250.gif  tumblr_my565yky121s5hz1so8_250.gif
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.And I'm not perfect andI am totally crazy. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.



28, Männlich

  Trouty Mouth

McKinley High Seniors Secret Symphony Ice Hockey Team Titan The Secret Society of Superheroes Club Interfaith Paintball League

Beiträge: 237

Re: Footballfeld

von Mason am 28.12.2013 18:16

"Was ist dir denn peinlich?" fragte ich sie verwirrt* "Dir muss doch nichts peinlich sein!" *meinte ich und sah sie liebevoll an*

tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo6_250.gif  tumblr_m9dqevitQA1qlko3bo2_250.gif
You`re the light that makes my darkness disappear!
If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that
someone, I never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's
gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes and tell me that
you love me. Everything's alright, when you're right here by my side. When you look me in
the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, when you look me in the eyes!

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