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29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Gewinner

Posts: 674

Re: Musiksaal

from Jess on 03/01/2013 06:56 PM

*aus meinen Schwangerschaftsurlaub zurückgekehrt bin
und zörgerlich ans Klavir setze* *sanft über die Tastatur
streiche und beginne eine Melodie zu spielen* *aufatme
und anfange Marlon Roudette's New Age zu singen*



Deleted user

Re: Musiksaal

from Aleyna on 03/01/2013 07:02 PM

*durch die Gänge streife* *am Musiksaal vorbeikomme und eine Stimme höre* *reingucke und jemand singen sehe* *zuhöre*



33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Musiksaal

from Chloe on 03/01/2013 07:02 PM

*heingehopst komm*
*vor der Tür stehen bleib als ich Jess höre*
*ihr zuhöre*
//das ist bestimmt nicht ihre Natur Haarfarbe//
*hinter Aleyna stehe^^* 


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going

Reply Edited on 03/01/2013 07:03 PM.


29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Gewinner

Posts: 674

Re: Musiksaal

from Jess on 03/01/2013 07:06 PM

*den Deckel über der Tastatur schließe und still sitzen bleibe*
*eine Haarsträhne zur Seite schiebe und an den Rand des
Klavirhockers rutsche ohne den Boden außer Augen zu lassen*




33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Musiksaal

from Chloe on 03/01/2013 07:29 PM

das war gar nicht mal so schlecht
Also nicht so gut wie ich *auf mich selber zeig* aber schon nah dran *mit den Augenbrauen wackle und Jess anlächel*




Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going



29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Gewinner

Posts: 674

Re: Musiksaal

from Jess on 03/01/2013 07:43 PM

*aufblicke* Äh ... danke. *mich erhebe und
über meine Bluse streiche* *es komisch an-
fühlt eine Geburt hinter sich gebracht zu haben*




29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Gewinner

Posts: 674

Re: Musiksaal

from Jess on 03/01/2013 08:02 PM

[Hier geht ja richtig die Post ab^^]




33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Musiksaal

from Chloe on 03/01/2013 08:05 PM

bitte *lächle*
*Jess anguck*
du siehst voll fett aus
Was ist los? warum lässt du dich so gehen?


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going

Reply Edited on 03/01/2013 08:05 PM.


29, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Gewinner

Posts: 674

Re: Musiksaal

from Jess on 03/01/2013 08:15 PM

Entschuldige, ich hatte gerade erst eine
Geburt hinter mir ... *an meinen Bauch fasse*




33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Musiksaal

from Chloe on 03/01/2013 08:19 PM

Wo ist das Baby?
*Jess angucke*
SChuatudu *sie anlächle*


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going

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