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30, female


Seniors New Directions Dancer Foto Club Thunderclap Zölibat Club

Posts: 94

Re: Eisdiele

from Sandy on 11/09/2013 10:16 PM

*lässt es zu,dass er sie füttert*
mmhh lecker.auf jedenfall
*schaut ihn kurz verwirrt an,als er plötzlich anfängt zu lachen/muss dann selber kurz lachen,als er sagt dass sie etwas eis am mund hatt*
ohh.wo denn?
*denkt er sagt,wo sie es hatt/lächelt als er sagt,dass er es machen*
*ist kurz überrascht,aber freut sich dann drüber seine lippen wieder auf ihren zu spüren/lächelt etwas in den kuss hinein*
//mmhhh.jetzt schmeckt das eis noch besser in kombination mit seinen lippen//


Remember all the things we wanted.Now all our memories, they're haunted.We were always meant to say goodbye.Even with our fists held high.It never would have work out right, yeah.We were never meant for do or die.I didn't want us to burn out, I.Didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop.I want you to know.That it doesn't matter.Where we take this road.Someone's gotta go.And I want you to know.You couldn't have loved me better.But I want you to move on...So I'm already gone


Deleted user

Re: Eisdiele

from Nick on 11/09/2013 10:21 PM

*Lasse dann von ihr ab und lächel sie süß an*
" So nun bist du wieder sauber!"
*sagte ich und lachte, dann aß ich mein Eis weiter*



30, female


Seniors New Directions Dancer Foto Club Thunderclap Zölibat Club

Posts: 94

Re: Eisdiele

from Sandy on 11/09/2013 10:24 PM

*nimmt dann wieder einen schluck von ihrer schokolade*
und? versuchst du nun meinen namen zu erraten oder nicht
*schaut ihn leicht amüsiert an*


Remember all the things we wanted.Now all our memories, they're haunted.We were always meant to say goodbye.Even with our fists held high.It never would have work out right, yeah.We were never meant for do or die.I didn't want us to burn out, I.Didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop.I want you to know.That it doesn't matter.Where we take this road.Someone's gotta go.And I want you to know.You couldn't have loved me better.But I want you to move on...So I'm already gone


Deleted user

Re: Eisdiele

from Nick on 11/09/2013 10:27 PM

"ich frage jetzt einfach nach Zeichentrickfigurnamen!"
*ich kicherte*
"Dann wirst du irgendwann so entsetzt sein, dass du mir deinen Namen sagst!"
*ich sage das, wähhrend ich mein Eis weiter aß*



30, female


Seniors New Directions Dancer Foto Club Thunderclap Zölibat Club

Posts: 94

Re: Eisdiele

from Sandy on 11/09/2013 10:32 PM

okay.dann versuch mal dein glück
*nimmt wieder einen schluck*
dass glaube ich eher weniger,mein lieber
*schaut ihn lächelnd an*


Remember all the things we wanted.Now all our memories, they're haunted.We were always meant to say goodbye.Even with our fists held high.It never would have work out right, yeah.We were never meant for do or die.I didn't want us to burn out, I.Didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop.I want you to know.That it doesn't matter.Where we take this road.Someone's gotta go.And I want you to know.You couldn't have loved me better.But I want you to move on...So I'm already gone


Deleted user

Re: Eisdiele

from Nick on 11/09/2013 10:37 PM

*Ich lachte*
"Okay du hast es nicht anders gewollt!"
*ich grinste und grübbelte dann*
"Kim, wie Kim Possible?"
*ich guckte sie fragend an und kicherte*



30, female


Seniors New Directions Dancer Foto Club Thunderclap Zölibat Club

Posts: 94

Re: Eisdiele

from Sandy on 11/09/2013 10:42 PM

*schaut ihn an/muss dann lachen*
nein.falsch.versuchs nochmal
*schaut ihn grinsend an*


Remember all the things we wanted.Now all our memories, they're haunted.We were always meant to say goodbye.Even with our fists held high.It never would have work out right, yeah.We were never meant for do or die.I didn't want us to burn out, I.Didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop.I want you to know.That it doesn't matter.Where we take this road.Someone's gotta go.And I want you to know.You couldn't have loved me better.But I want you to move on...So I'm already gone


Deleted user

Re: Eisdiele

from Nick on 11/09/2013 10:47 PM

*ich lachte. war doch klar, dass sie nicht so hieß*
" Candice? Die Schwester von Phineas und Pherb?"
*ich lachte über mich selbst*



30, female


Seniors New Directions Dancer Foto Club Thunderclap Zölibat Club

Posts: 94

Re: Eisdiele

from Sandy on 11/09/2013 10:54 PM

*schüttelt lachend den kopf*
nein.so heiße ich auch nicht


Remember all the things we wanted.Now all our memories, they're haunted.We were always meant to say goodbye.Even with our fists held high.It never would have work out right, yeah.We were never meant for do or die.I didn't want us to burn out, I.Didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop.I want you to know.That it doesn't matter.Where we take this road.Someone's gotta go.And I want you to know.You couldn't have loved me better.But I want you to move on...So I'm already gone


Deleted user

Re: Eisdiele

from Nick on 11/10/2013 01:41 PM

*ich lachte und grübelte weiter*
"Vielleicht Sandy? Das Eichhörnchen aus Spongebob Schwammkopf?"
*ich guckte sie an. Wahrscheinlich war das wieder falsch geraten. Ich war halt schlecht in sowas*

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