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30, female


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Posts: 999


from Santana on 05/21/2012 10:14 PM

                                                 American Fifties Restaurant

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «

Reply Edited on 05/21/2012 10:15 PM.


33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Flys

from Sunshine on 06/02/2012 11:43 AM

*herkomm und sich hinsetz*
*ertmal über alles nachdenk*
*kellner kommt*

Kellner: was darfs sein?

erstmal nur ein Kaffee *versucht den kellner anzulächeln*


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going



33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Flys

from Sunshine on 06/09/2012 03:02 PM

//vielleicht sollte ich ihr verzeihen..//


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going



33, male


McKinley High Abschluss Secret Symphony Swimming Team A/V Club #OMglee Gewinner

Posts: 1633

Re: Flys

from Sunshine on 06/10/2012 09:19 PM

*bestellung kommt*

danke * traurig lächel*
*ein schluck nehme*
*raus guck und beaobachte wie ein einziger Regentropf das fenster runter fließt* 


Call off the search for your soul, or put it on hold again. She's having a sly indoor smoke And she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends. Sipping a drink and laughing at imaginary jokes as all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach And it seems as though those lumps in your throat that you just swallowed have got you going


Deleted user

Re: Flys

from Sean on 10/15/2012 08:00 PM

*reinkomm und die anderen erstmal begrüß*
*meine Arbeitsklamotten im Personalbereich erstmal anzieh und dann beginn die Theke sauber zu machen* 


Deleted user

Re: Flys

from Claudine on 10/15/2012 08:08 PM

*einen ziemlich anstrengenden Tag hatte und mich schließlich hierher verzogen habe, da ich mit keinem aus der Schule mehr reden wollte*
*mich an einen Tisch in der Ecke setze und aus dem Fenster schaue, wo der Regen gegen die Scheibe kladdert* 


Deleted user

Re: Flys

from Sean on 10/15/2012 08:11 PM

*auf Claudine zugeh*
Was darfs denn sein?
*die ansehe und bereit bin alles zu notieren*

[oh ok ]

Reply Edited on 10/15/2012 08:15 PM.


28, female


McKinley High Juniors Troubletones Cheerio Girls Athletics Stay Classy

Posts: 2021

Re: Flys

from Tiana on 10/15/2012 08:12 PM

[Hab mein beitrag gelöscht Sean ;D]

tumblr_mztpspSy4X1qhzql2o8_250.gif  tumblr_mztpspSy4X1qhzql2o1_250.gif


Deleted user

Re: Flys

from Claudine on 10/15/2012 08:17 PM

*ein Kellner kommt; ihn vom Sehen her aus der Schule kenne, daher freundlich lächle*
»Erstmal nur einen Kaffee, bitte.«
*weiterhin  lächle, aber weiß, dass ich ziemlich scheiße aussehen muss*


Deleted user

Re: Flys

from Sean on 10/15/2012 08:22 PM

*Kaffe notiere*
*sie ansehe und bemerk dass sie mich breit anlächelt, schon fast ein grinsen* 
äh ja kommt sofort...
*mich umdrehe und wieder zu theke geh*
*Claudine mir etwas angst gemacht hat*
//Warte, kenn ich die irgendwo her?//
*Kaffee mach und es zu Claudine bring*
Bitteschön *kaffe abstell*
Vorsichtig trinken und nicht die Zunge verbrennen
*lächel und mein notizblock in die tasche pack*
ähm sag mal, kennen wir uns ?

Reply Edited on 10/15/2012 08:22 PM.
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