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27, Männlich


Beiträge: 23

Re: See im Wald

von Jesse am 22.09.2014 17:25

*mich auf eine Bank setze*
*meinen Planer raushole*
//Wir müssen definitiv mehr Proben mit Vocal Adrenaline, das hier ist schließlich mein letztes Jahr an der Carmel High und ich muss wieder die Nationals gewinnen, wenn ich ernsthafte Chancen im Musikbusiness haben möchte//
*auf die Teilnehmerliste schaue*
//Zumindestens ist Scar jetzt dabei, sie könnte die schwächen der anderen wieder ausgleichen, wenn sie genug trainiert// 


I like to do impromptu concerts for the homeless - it's so important to give back ----Because when you love something,
you've got to go for it. You'd never be with me completely if I was on the opposing team and I care about you more
than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adrenaline for you. 
----Just come out so we can talk... or sing about it.

jesse3.gif Jesseactual2.gif jesse1.gif



27, Männlich


Beiträge: 23

Re: Assoziationskette

von Jesse am 22.09.2014 17:04



I like to do impromptu concerts for the homeless - it's so important to give back ----Because when you love something,
you've got to go for it. You'd never be with me completely if I was on the opposing team and I care about you more
than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adrenaline for you. 
----Just come out so we can talk... or sing about it.

jesse3.gif Jesseactual2.gif jesse1.gif



27, Männlich


Beiträge: 23

Re: Gesuchte Charaktere

von Jesse am 21.09.2014 19:33



I like to do impromptu concerts for the homeless - it's so important to give back ----Because when you love something,
you've got to go for it. You'd never be with me completely if I was on the opposing team and I care about you more
than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adrenaline for you. 
----Just come out so we can talk... or sing about it.

jesse3.gif Jesseactual2.gif jesse1.gif

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 21.09.2014 19:35.
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