Suche nach Beiträgen von Santana

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30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Aufenthaltsraum

von Santana am 11.11.2012 08:42

Wie soll man das wenn man so oft endtäuscht wurde? Die einzig wahre Freundin die ich hab ist Brittany!
*mir tränen hochkommen*
Und vielleicht Kitty...

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Aufenthaltsraum

von Santana am 11.11.2012 08:36

*die augen verdreh*
//och werde mich nicht entschuldigen...//
Okay, ich verzeih dir auch nicht.
[Was überhaupt?^^]
*mich zu ihr setze*
Also ist ja alles geklärt

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Aufenthaltsraum

von Santana am 11.11.2012 08:27

Wer sagt denn was von nett sein? Hat Madame noch nie was von Ironie gehört?
Was ich definitiv nicht machen werde ist mich zu entschuldigen!

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Aufenthaltsraum

von Santana am 11.11.2012 08:21

*q seh*
Hi Lucy
*mich grinsend zu ihr setz*
Na, was machst du?
*innerlich die augen verdreh*

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Offizielle Homepage der Cheerios

von Santana am 11.11.2012 08:18

Gut, ich bin wieder 1. Cheerio Danke an Sue, Selena oder wer auch immer das gemacht hat^^ Wenns sein muss aufh dank an quinn

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 09.11.2012 23:22

sigtest 2

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 09.11.2012 23:20

sigtest^^ bzw. gleasetest

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Glease

von Santana am 09.11.2012 23:14

Ich nehm irgendeine Rolle, sie sollte aber wichtig sein und zu meinem Talent passen;D

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Der verspiegelte Raum

von Santana am 09.11.2012 20:19

*auch geh*

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Der verspiegelte Raum

von Santana am 09.11.2012 18:23

Ich liebe dich, Britt
*sie küss*

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «

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