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Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Laberthread

von Lauren am 27.09.2012 20:42

Wir gucken doch alle Glee, weil wir alle sicherlich auch nicht gerade die beliebtesten Kids an der Schule sind/waren. Wir können uns eben gut in den Figuren der Serie wiederfinden.



27, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Left Behind Club Popular Students Thunderclap Gewinner

Beiträge: 2177

Re: Laberthread

von Kitty am 27.09.2012 20:44

Naja, ich glaub schon das einige von uns nicht die obeloser sind... ich guck glee eigendlich weil ich manchmal lieber ein loser wär, als "das" was ich jez bin :/

   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o1_250.gif   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o2_250.gif

Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.  
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. 
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on. 
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 27.09.2012 20:45

Jip;) Ich bin so ne Mischung aus Santana und Rachel^^ Meine 2 besten Freundinnen vergleiche ich mit Brittany und die andere mit Quinn und ein bisschen Mercedes^^ aber die zweite hasst glee:(
@kitty: ich hab ja ein paar bilder von dir auf fb und so gesehen, also auf manchen bildern siehst du schon besser aus als becca tobinXDDD

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Laberthread

von Lauren am 27.09.2012 20:46

In deutschen Schulen kannst du doch gar nicht zugeben, dass du Glee guckst...



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 27.09.2012 20:48

Ja, die hassen alle Glee,4 schüler aus meiner klasse mögen/gucken glee, einer ist ein junge, aber der gibt nicht zu dass er glee mag, ich glaub dass er angst hätte dass einige ihn für schwul halten...

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «



27, Weiblich


McKinley High Sophomores New Directions Cheerio Left Behind Club Popular Students Thunderclap Gewinner

Beiträge: 2177

Re: Laberthread

von Kitty am 27.09.2012 20:48

@San: dankeee. Du siehst auch besser aus, als.... Carly xD

Ja, dass ist echt schlimm. Meine Freundinen gucken zwar alle glee, aber die Jungs in unsere Klasse machen uns dann voll fertig -.-
Aber mich nich, ich glaub die wissen garnich das ich auf glee steh :o

   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o1_250.gif   tumblr_nhladqp7qe1s1j677o2_250.gif

Bed, stay in bed, The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke smoke me broke, I don't care, I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all because,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on.  
Love can be love, Anything you want I'll give it up. Lips, lips are kiss, Bite me while I taste your fingertips. Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer loving and fights How it is for us, and it's all cause,
Now if we're talking body, You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right, We fuck for life, on and on and on. 
Bodies, oh baby make them bodies We just use them for fun Bodies, let's use them 'till every piece is gone Let's go! On and on and on Let's go! On and on and on. 
Now if we're talking body You've got a perfect one, so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long. If you love me right We fuck for life, on and on and on.



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 27.09.2012 20:52

@kitty: Echt*o* Und die armen...Was haltet ihr von einem Glee flashmob? Vielleicht auf Facebook oder soXD

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Laberthread

von Lauren am 27.09.2012 20:57

Gut das ist nicht mehr in der mittelstufe bin.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Laberthread

von Tiffany am 27.09.2012 21:00

Also, ich will jetzt nicht behaupten, dass ich beliebt bin. Ich bin's nämlich nicht und komme damit auch vollkommen klar. Ich sehe weder so hübsch aus wie Tiffany Alvord noch wie Emma Watson, aber das interessiert mich um ehrlich zu sein nicht. Manche meinen, ich wäre ein "Streber", und hey, vielleicht stimmt das auch, aber um ehrlich zu sein juckt es mich nicht. Was ist an Wissen bitte so falsch? Außerdem habe ich dafür eine sicherere Zukunft als die Leute, die heute denken, sie wären 'cool' und morgen verzweifelt nach Jobs suchen. Ich sag nur: Loser Like Me. 



30, Weiblich


McKinley High Seniors Troubletones Cheerio Dancer Left Behind Club Popular Students

Beiträge: 999

Re: Laberthread

von Santana am 27.09.2012 21:00

Ich bin in der mittelstufe, aber in der unterstufe ist das wirklich heftig...

santana_sign.gif  santana_sign1.gif

Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't
know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there
aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and
riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's
not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. «

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